Monday, October 18, 2010

I had to teach myself

that I have worth
because my teachers
only knew self-loathing
So, since they didn't know
what they were doing
to themselves and us,
they have an out.
And, now, it's up to me
to stop the cycle
of insanity.
Always was-
but being aware
only increases
my knowledge
of my responsibility
& frankly,
that frightens me.
But that's prob'ly how
it's s'posed to be.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I sought a

bit of solitude
but my past selves
kept dropping in
to remind me
I'm never alone.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

what if the world ended tomorrow?

at 10 a.m.

but 10 a.m. where?

isn't it always 10 a.m. somewhere?

well, anyways, i enjoyed the last 48+ years.

i hope you did, too.

and if it doesn't, i expect i'll enjoy

the next 48 or so,

or whatever i'm given,

and you yours...

Saturday, October 9, 2010

it's fun to create new things

and call it art
or steve
or adam and eve
or pop
or blues
or whatever you choose.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

I wonder what

will happen today.
It seems so ordinary
but my life will
inevitably & inexorably
change because
the sun came up
and the stars

Friday, October 1, 2010

But seriously,

give it a second
to sink in,
that the Universe can only
be as it is
if it isn’t.
Let me be less obscure,
but nothingness can only
exist if everything else
does, too,
or nothing does
and neither
more likely,
it only imagines
it does.