Hi, I'm D, and I'm a Recovering Christian. I was raised Catholic, became a Born-again Charismatic, then a strict fundamentalist. The whole while, I was thinking there was something wrong with the religions in which I was participating; they didn't seem to follow the Jesus I read about, but felt determined to make me follow their particular list of do's and don't's, or else... you know. So I stopped attending church and started reading everything I could by Wayne W. Dyer and Louise Hay, and others and A Course in Miracles, and listening to people who had a positive message about who I am and how wonderful my life can be.
It's nice to know I don't have to follow another person's set of rules, and I can be (and, actually am solely) responsible for my own life and joy and peace. And that the Universe is on my side, always, because I am one with it. Aaah.