Tuesday, November 3, 2009


I like the Serenity prayer. In case you aren't familiar, here it is:

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

It's very simple and profound.

Lately, I've been concentrating on being serene, and so, of course, much drama has been presenting itself, so I can see just how serene I am not. I will say, that I am more peaceful, less stressed than I think I would have been in the past. Before, I would worry myself sick, now I just get a little nauseous.

But seriously, I've learned to have peace by being peaceful, so when the drama appears I can label it as such and step around it, or enjoy the play. Well, admittedly, I am a dramatic person. I don't shy from the limelight. And I don't like to be bored. But, sometimes, it's enough already. I want to be alone.

I'm glad I learned to go to the still place in my heart when I feel the need for quietude. It may only take a second, but it often takes me a while in the worry or fear or anger or hurt before I remember I have the power of peace available to me, anytime. All I ever have to do is close my eyes, take a few deep breaths and, soon, I'm calm. Yeehaw! It's so nice, I wonder why I like to spend any time at all being agitated.

Perhaps it's an old habit I'm finding the courage to change. (more on that next time!)



P.S. Yeah, it's that simple.

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