Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Blessed are the blessed

for they shall be.

Did you ever notice that some people have all the luck and other people seem accident prone? I wonder about that. The good books I'm reading lately are saying that we are what we imagine we are. So, I must think I'm a dingbat, cause I forget to do some things I thought I wanted to do. I think I sabotage myself, because I'm afraid of being a success. Maybe I was taught that that would be bad, not overtly, but subtly, like with derision and sarcasm. (I had to learn it from somewhere)

I guess, then, if I want a different life, I have to think differently. If I can't imagine myself healthy, wealthy, and wise, how will I ever be flourishing in my beach house while I scribe my secrets of joyous living? I could scold myself for being a dolt, cuz I missed most of the class, or I could have the spunk to extract all I can from and instill as much of myself as I can into the remaining minutes. I remember talking to a mentor of mine about how I was noticing how annoyed my friend was making me and that I knew our friends are our mirrors, so I must be annoyed with myself and then I was more annoyed for being annoyed and annoying and I don't see how I wasn't annoying her, but she just looked at me and smiled beatifically and said, "Wow, look at all the awareness you have." I just sat in silent amazement and then nodded in agreement. I am so dang aware. I do notice every little thing I do "wrong".

I recently decided to start noticing things I do "right". I love my kids well. I make a nice quiche. I can sing pretty competently. I've composed quite a few cool pieces of music. I love to write a good story, and people tell me they enjoy them. I make a mean bowl. I have all sorts of great ideas about how to improve the world and our lives...

I feel better and more successful already.

I am going to imagine drinking a tequila sunrise in my hammock in the shade next to the ocean, now...



P.S. If you care to join me, drinks are on the house.


  1. You are a more than competent singer. And, if you want, you could move to that beach house right now and start writing. Seriously.

    Recently, my wife has taught me much about creating the life I desire. If material possessions are not at issue, there are many options in the world.

    Also, right and wrong are relative to the observer. Who is your observer?

    OK. That's deep enough for only one glass of wine. Time to fill up.

    - JB

  2. hey j! thanks for the words of encouragement.
    i'm a baby stepper. here to let all the crazy needy recovering chickenshits that there's hope for them.

    good thing i'm remembering who and what i am more everyday.

    ps. you're pretty cool yourself, and i think your wife has some great ideas. let's talk more.
