Saturday, January 1, 2011

a new year

this past year was full of change for me.
i lost my wife and my job on the same day. 
i traveled around the country
and transplanted across the country.
i've written more songs in the past two months
than i wrote in the past 10 years,
and i've been blessed with
the opportunity to perform them
and a bunch of beautiful people
who like to come out
and listen to me sing them.
it's been a long, strange, winding road,
and i have the feeling it's not going to get
any less strange or winding
anytime soon.
good thing i'm buckled in.


  1. Enjoy the ride. As the old proverb goes, may you live in interesting times.

  2. thanks, j, for the kind words, and the courage to leap and see what happens. it's surely an adventure.
