Saturday, October 3, 2009

If you're like me.

If you want to be happy, and have no challenges, ever, you must kill yourself. But if you're like me, you're too afraid, so you might want to find a more creative way of looking at life's little surprises.

I recently realized that what I must do to be happy is just be happy. Simple, yet so complex. Well, it's easy to think happy thoughts, anytime, and create a happy mood, unless your computer just died or your daughter locked her keys in her car for the sixth time in two months and you have to (well, you don't have to, you could let her learn her lesson and walk home) drive twenty-seven miles in rush-hour traffic to save her, or your sister writes you a nasty note about your apparent inability to wipe up crumbs completely, thereby causing her cat to eat them, and subsequently puke them up on her comforter. Oh, the anger, the frustration and guilt. How can anyone think happy thoughts in these heinous situations?

But if you realize it's all a dream, a ride, a game we all win, then you can sit back and wonder what good will come of cat puke, instead of dwelling on, say, the smell, or the shame of having evoked it and you can get on with imagining wonderful things for yourself, like health and harmony and hairball-free cats.


P.S. Anyone can imagine a hairball-free cat, can't they? Next, a peaceful planet...

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